DISTRICT 5890 ASSETS (Flags, Tents, etc.)
October 12, 2023
The District 5890 Asset Management Policy (policy) outlines the guidelines and practices that govern decisions in Rotary District 5890 (district) to ensure it provides high quality service to Rotarians in the district.
This policy applies to all assets owned by the district and all aspects of each asset, including purchase, issuance, return, and disposal. This policy applies to all Rotarians in the district, who have a need too utilize the district assets.
NOTE: If an asset is damaged or destroyed (intentionally or accidentally) while in the Rotary club's possession, it is the club's responsibility to pay repair costs OR replace the lost or damaged material.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Charlie Buscemi
District 5890 Asset Manager (click email address below to send email)
713-598-7129 Cell