Dakota John "Cody" Stormer
February 26, 1995 - September 3, 2021 (his "dash" was cut short, but his impact and legacy will continue!)
Son of Deanna Ellen Dick and Eric William Stormer
Founder and CEO of Footprint App Inc.
Dakota's Peace Grove is a tribute to our friend, Dakota Stormer, and the furtherance of his legacy to support the environment and promote peace worldwide. Tree planting at Dakota's Peace Grove is part of the service project for the 2022 Rotary International Convention as a way to offset the convention's carbon footprint, a strategy that Dakota advanced as Founder and CEO of Footprint App Inc.
He was a former Interact President and became a Rotarian when he joined the Memorial-Spring Branch Club. Watch this video where he explained the impact that Rotary and The Four Way Test had on his life.
Dakota was a 26-year-old non-smoker. After a few weeks of back pain, he was diagnosed with an aggressive Stage-4 metastatic lung cancer which had spread to his bones. He passed away just a few short weeks after being diagnosed.
From the age of 7, Dakota fought against climate change by influencing his classmates with projects and presentations. As he grew older, he promoted sustainability through organizations and institutions. Dakota started a nationally recognized environmental program through Rotary International when he was only 14 years of age."
To honor Dakota's legacy, contributions may be sent to the Dakota Stormer Scholarship Fund established by his home Rotary club, the Memorial-Spring Branch Rotary Club, by sending a check to Memorial-Spring Branch Rotary Charities, Inc., at P. O. Box 79172, Houston, Texas 77279, or by Zelle to donatetocharities@msbrotary.org, or https://msbrcharitiesinc.square.site/
While Dakota is deeply missed by his family and friends, he will never be forgotten!

Our 2021-2022 District Governor, Michelle Bohreer, is very proud about this project that her team of Rotaractors and Rotarians have been planning and creating over the past year. The location is near BBVA Stadium, home of the Houston Dynamo!
Our goal is to complete this park before the 2022 Rotary International Convention which is being held at the George R. Brown Convention Center in June 2022. We're expecting 20,000+ global Rotaractors, Rotarians & attendees representing 170+ countries!
To get involved or donate, please contact Rotarian Ed Pettitt by clicking here to send him an email.

Donations to help fund Dakota's peace grove
Funding for the project will come from local Rotary clubs, plus from contributions made to Rotary District 5890 Charities, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Donations can be mailed to: Rotary District 5890 Charities, Inc., Attn: Jackie Barmore, 3525 Preston Avenue, Pasadena, TX 77505. Please add "Dakota's Peace Grove" as a memo on the check.
The vision for the “Rotary District 5890 Grove Park” along Columbia Tap Hike and Bike Trail gets clearer every day! If you or your organization/club want to get involved, please send us an email!
In Houston and around the world, Rotary brings communities together to create lasting change. From creating playgrounds accessible to all to providing home repairs for community members affected by hurricanes – we are people of action. Together, there's no limit to what we can do. Take action with us.