Houston- Area Rotary Foundation Alumni Association
Foundation Alumni
Welcome Foundation Alumni and Friends!!
The Houston-Area Rotary Foundation Alumni Association was formed in January 2008. Since then, the Association has gone through several stages, but is working hard to stay active and committed to its Alumni.
Leading the charge now is former Ambassadorial Scholar and new Rotarian Kristen Lindley. Kristen is a native of Houston, a CPA, and is driven to get the Foundation Alumni Association active again. Kristen was sponsored by District 5930 and the Rotary Club of Victoria Sunrise to spend her Ambassadorial year in Hong Kong studying at the University of Hong Kong. While abroad, Kristen spoke to 30 Rotary clubs, traveled to nine different countries, and truly fell in love with Rotary.
A message from Kristen:
Hello to all my wonderful Alumni companions! As Foundation Alumnus, we share a special bond to Rotary and to each other. We have each had the unique opportunity to participate in a Rotary program that impacted, and continues to impact our lives. Although our programs are over, or even if they are still active, it is important that we understand (I) the value of the Rotary family to us now and far into the future and (II) the importance of these great programs being available to future generations. It is our responsibility to honor everything Rotary has done for us by being active Alumni.
As Chair this year, I have set myself and this organization two goals. First, we will work hard to update the Foundation Alumni Database. We are only as good as the people we can call on and reach out to, and it is important we have accurate contact information for any Foundation Alumni in the Greater Houston area. Second, we will participate in one or two Rotary events organized by Rotary clubs in Rotary District 5890. These events will help remind us of the great service Rotary does, allow us avenues to serve, and will connect us with active Rotarians with whom we can show our thanks for their support of the Rotary Foundation.
I am committed to making this Alumni group something all Alumnus can be proud to be a part of. We are a unique branch of the Rotary family, and I look forward to getting to know all of you.